Made by: Ryan, Daniel, Saaras, Will, and Andrew

Python lists Operations

Append function

From the Data Abstractions Unit we Learned bout lists and how they can store multiple variables

Today we’re going to show you how to add items to lists utilizing the append option

lst = []

Insert function

  • The insert function allows you to append items to different lists at a specific location.
  • Let’s first understand how it may work through pseudocode

Exmaple 1

INSERT alist, pos, value INSERT alist, 1, “hi”

  • Here the alist represents your list you want to append an item to
  • The position is where on the list you may want to add your item
  • Finally, the value is the item actually is that your adding to your list
  • So here in total in position 1 you insert the string “hi” into alist

Your turn!!!!

  • Turn this pseudocode into python
  • How may we want to implement this on python? Think back to the data abstraction unit.
  • ( Hint: Think about the differences between psueodcode and python )
# Inserting items to a specific list, remember python is 0 based on the items!!
lst.insert(0, "item0")
['item1', 'item0']

Remove function

  • The remove functions allows you to remove specific items at a specific position on the list

Pseudocode example

  • REMOVE aList, pos
# Remove method 

## You can also access the list by the position, this is called list indexing

Let’s do some Collegeboard exercises

  • In the following list:
    • nums = [65, 89, 92, 35, 84, 78, 28, 75]
  • Figure out what the minimum number in the list, WITHOUT using the other methods and premade functions.

Second question:

  • Let’s say we have a list called “animals” from a survey that stores whether or not they prefer “cats” or “dogs” as strings in this list.
  • Transverse this list and tell me the total amount cats and dogs in the list
nums = [65, 89, 92, 35, 84, 78, 28, 75]

## Your code here
animals = ["cats", "dogs"]