• Feedback: Adapting and fixing the javascript + css, talk about the problems, show the video of it not working and talk about the container fixes + the css problems that we encountered, similar to snake game however so we applied our previous knowledge that we learned to fix it

  • plan, show him it talk about the hacks we did and how we accomplished a lot of htem so we mainly focused on the competency part and finishing our projects (Saaras Kodali: Tic tac toe + killua project, William Cheng: Python VCF parser + LD_Preloading)


  • I mean this is basically the review ticket and we’re showing him it and like we’ll show him the projects, the hacks etc.

What We Learned:

  • During our learning journey, we delved into a variety of topics and acquired valuable skills. We gained insights into the versatile world of Linux, exploring its various applications and mastering the art of efficient operation within this open-source ecosystem. This newfound knowledge broadened our understanding of the intricacies of Linux, empowering us to use it effectively for diverse purposes.

  • One of the highlights of our learning experience was discovering how to seamlessly integrate JavaScript into our websites, particularly through the creation of the engaging snake game. This hands-on project not only enhanced our web development skills but also showcased the dynamic capabilities of JavaScript in enhancing user experiences.

  • Moreover, our journey led us to the realm of debugging, where we honed our problem-solving abilities. Collaborating with ChatGPT, we discovered the effectiveness of code comments as a means of communicating with our AI assistant. By providing clear instructions through comments, we were able to guide ChatGPT in understanding and resolving code-related issues more efficiently. This skill has proven to be invaluable in our coding endeavors.

  • Additionally, we delved into the realm of cybersecurity and Linux exploits, equipping ourselves with the knowledge to identify and address vulnerabilities effectively. Our exploration of shared libraries shed light on critical aspects of software development and security, further enriching our understanding of the Linux environment.

  • In summary, our learning journey encompassed a wide range of subjects, from Linux proficiency to web development with JavaScript, advanced debugging techniques, and cybersecurity awareness. These newfound skills and insights have equipped us to tackle various challenges in the world of technology and programming with confidence and competence.