Week 1:

  1. VSCode: You likely started with setting up and getting familiar with Visual Studio Code (VSCode). It’s a popular code editor with various extensions and features that make coding in multiple languages easier.

  2. Python: Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language. You might have learned the basics of Python, including variables, data types, conditionals, loops, and functions.

  3. Jupyter: Jupyter notebooks are excellent for data analysis and interactive computing. You might have explored how to use Jupyter notebooks for Python coding, creating documents that contain both code and rich text elements.

  4. College Board Pseudo Code: You might have delved into College Board Pseudo Code, which is often used in computer science courses to teach algorithmic thinking and problem-solving.

  5. GitHub Pages: GitHub Pages is a hosting service provided by GitHub for publishing web content directly from your repository. You may have learned how to create and host your own website using this service.

  6. Student GitHub Pages: This could involve setting up individual GitHub Pages for each student, allowing them to showcase their projects and assignments.

  7. Python I/O: Input and output operations in Python are fundamental. You likely learned how to read and write files, handle user input, and display output in Python programs.