
Backend - creating an API endpoint and functionality for the API here

  • Functionality of how everything works underneath the
  • Essentially what the does and it’s relevance is it calls upon the model and the API, the model is where the initial data is initialized and the API is how it handles requests.

Specific code within the

  • commit
  • Importing modules is crucial, as seen in the Python Libraries lesson we can import modules and libraries from other code. One way that the backend does this is through the file in the flask server where it calls upon the model file where we can initialize the code
  • We can also incorporate the use of the setting up an API and registering it as URi through importing the main function within the API.locations
import threading

# import "packages" from flask
from flask import render_template  # import render_template from "public" flask libraries

# import "packages" from "this" project
from __init__ import app,db  # Definitions initialization
from model.users import initLeaderboard
from model.locations import init_locations

# setup APIs\
from api.player import player_api
from api.locations import location_api

# setup App pages
from projects.projects import app_projects # Blueprint directory import projects definition

# Initialize the SQLAlchemy object to work with the Flask app instance

# register URIs
app.register_blueprint(app_projects) # register app pages

@app.errorhandler(404)  # catch for URL not found
def page_not_found(e):
    # note that we set the 404 status explicitly
    return render_template('404.html'), 404

@app.route('/')  # connects default URL to index() function
def index():
    return render_template("index.html")

@app.route('/table/')  # connects /stub/ URL to stub() function
def table():
    return render_template("table.html")

def activate_job():
    db.drop_all()  # Clear the database
    db.create_all()  # Recreate the database schema

# this runs the application on the development server
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # change name for testing
    from flask_cors import CORS
    cors = CORS(app), host="", port="8242")

the api/ file:

  • The API is how it handles the requests including put, get, delete, and post requests. For our project, we really only need to have get requests since we don’t really need to make any other requests to post any new locations, but we added functionality for it in case we wanted to make it easier to add things to the database.


  • Learning how to create blueprints, endpoints, and handling the GET requests similar to how it was done in previuso example codes. I also incorporate POST requests to the different users and whatnot
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify
from flask_restful import Api, Resource, reqparse
from __init__ import db
from model.locations import Location

# Create a Blueprint for the location API
location_api = Blueprint('location_api', __name__, url_prefix='/api/locations')

# Create the API instance
api = Api(location_api)

class LocationAPI(Resource):
    def get(self):
        # Retrieve all locations from the database
        locations = Location.query.all()

        # Prepare the data in JSON format
        json_ready = [location.to_dict() for location in locations]

        # Return the JSON response
        return jsonify(json_ready)

    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
        parser.add_argument("location_name", required=True, type=str)
        parser.add_argument("image", required=True, type=str)
        args = parser.parse_args()
        location = Location(args["location_name"], args["image"])

            return location.to_dict(), 201
        except Exception as exception:
            return {"message": f"Error: {exception}"}, 500

    def put(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
        parser.add_argument("id", required=True, type=int)
        parser.add_argument("location_name", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("image", type=str)
        args = parser.parse_args()

            location = db.session.query(Location).get(args["id"])
            if location:
                if args["location_name"] is not None:
                    location.location_name = args["location_name"]
                if args["image"] is not None:
                    location.image = args["image"]
                return location.to_dict(), 200
                return {"message": "Location not found"}, 404
        except Exception as exception:
            return {"message": f"Error: {exception}"}, 500

    def delete(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
        parser.add_argument("id", required=True, type=int)
        args = parser.parse_args()

            location = db.session.query(Location).get(args["id"])
            if location:
                return location.to_dict()
                return {"message": "Location not found"}, 404
        except Exception as exception:
            return {"message": f"Error: {exception}"}, 500

# Add the LocationAPI resource to the /api/locations endpoint
api.add_resource(LocationAPI, "/")

class LocationListAPI(Resource):
    def get(self):
        # Retrieve all locations from the database
        locations = Location.query.all()

        # Prepare the data in JSON format
        json_ready = [location.to_dict() for location in locations]

        # Return the JSON response
        return jsonify(json_ready)

# Add the LocationListAPI resource to the /api/locationsList endpoint
api.add_resource(LocationListAPI, "/api/locations")

model/ and model/

  • in the model is where the initial data is loaded and we can add some instances for it to work
  • Here base64 is encoded for the images, and we also assign specific things to the database
from __init__ import db
import base64
import os

class Location(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "locations"

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    location_name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
    image = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)

    def __init__(self, location_name, image):
        self.location_name = location_name
        self.image = image

    def to_dict(self):
        return {"id":, "location_name": self.location_name, "image": self.image}

def image_to_base64(image_path):
    with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file:
        image_binary =
        base64_encoded = base64.b64encode(image_binary)
        base64_string = base64_encoded.decode("utf-8")
        return base64_string

# Example usage
image_path = "static/assets/images/"  # Relative path to the image
# locationposition=(20, 45)
# AND locationposition=(20, 45)
def init_locations():
    # Initialize data for now just from lists but later we push it into a database
    b64_lst = []
    If you want to add an image you can just put it in the static/assets/images
    But also append your coordinates to the following list below 
    coordinates_data = ["250, 500", "100, 450", "618, 620", "76, 650", "176, 750"]

    Now from here what we do is we loop through all the filenames and the image_path and then append them to lists so it's easy to just loop through later
    and then add them to a session
    count = 0
    filenames = [filename for filename in os.listdir(image_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(image_path, filename))]

    # Sort the filenames alphabetically
    sorted_filenames = sorted(filenames)
    for filename in sorted_filenames:
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(image_path, filename)):
            count += 1
            b64_lst.append(image_to_base64(image_path + filename))

    #### Add stuff to the db now
    for b64_image in range(0, len(b64_lst)):
        location = Location(location_name=coordinates_data[b64_image], image=b64_lst[b64_image])


    Old code for this location 

    # location1 = Location(location_name="20, 45", image=base64_data)
    # location2 = Location(location_name="35, 40", image=base64_data2)
    # # location3 = Location(location_name="Location 3", image="image3.jpg")  # Placeholder for the third image

    # db.session.add(location1)
    # db.session.add(location2)
    # # db.session.add(location3)

    # db.session.commit()

if __name__ == '__main__':


Getting pull requests through javascript in our HTML map_game file HTML

  • We can call upon our API endpoint and make a get response through the use of the fetch function in the HTTP get request. Afterwards once we make a request to the API url which is the /api/locations we can store the response data as JSON data which we can then access and store as a dictionary with callable objects to acess our data. Below is an example of how we can store the initial data as just call from our endpoint and format it in JSON and then eventually store it as a dictionary.
  • Fetch Commit


  • Learning dictionaries for our program was really useful and i
        let coordinatesData = {}; // Store the coordinates and images
        let dictCoordinates = {}; // Global variable to store the organized data just fo rnow 
        let currentIndex = 0; // Initialize to 0
        let dotClicked = false; // Flag to check if the dot has been clicked

        function fetchAndDisplayImages() {
            // Defining our API endpoint
            const apiUrl = '';

            // Make an HTTP GET request to the API
                .then(response => response.json()) // Parse the JSON response
                .then(data => {
                    // coordinatesData = data; // Store the data as it is
                    dictCoordinates = data;
                    // Call moveTarget immediately to position the dot at the first location
                .catch(error => {
                    console.error("Error fetching images:", error);

        fetchAndDisplayImages(); // Call fetchAndDisplayImages to initiate the process
  • Now what this will look like is it will look like is

Looping through the data and then incorporating it into the game

  • Once we have all that data we need to know how to incorporate it into the game, we need to implement indexing to acess those specific datapoints. Afterwards, already implemented in the moveTarget data, we can supply the coordinates for the target to move. Again, the target only moves based on DOM click event listeners highlighted in an earlier blog so the only time we want to move onto the next datapoint in the dictionary’s ID is after a click has been performed.
  • Below is an example of when the target is moved after a click is performed and displaying the image at that specific coordinate and adding it to a container as base64 jpg file
  • Specific commits: Coordinates Commit + Image Commit

Use of DOM for event listener objects

  • DOM for objects utilized on event listener clicks, showing growth and learning from the Web Programming Basics test and lessons on DOM

HTMl elements

  • Image tags and element use with the imager container

Example on click on the WEB programming test

<!-- the ID must be specified on the elements -->
<button id="buttonID">Click here!</button>

<div id="divContainerIDbutton">
    <h1 id="h1ElementIDbutton">My Title</h1>

<!-- our javascript goe here -->
    // define a function => takes parameter text, returns a new p tab
    function createPTag(text) {
        // creates a new element
        var pElement = document.createElement("p")

        // using the parameter like a variable
        pElement.innerHTML = text
        // outputs p tag after it has been created
        console.log("Example #7.1, add p tag using a function")

        return pElement;

    // create a function that sets specific text and adds to div
    function addPTagOnButton() {
        // using our new function
        var pTag = createPTag("Starting a paragraph with text created on button press.")

        // place the p element in the webpage
        var div = document.getElementById("divContainerIDbutton")

        // add p tag to the div
        // outputs p tag after it has been created
        console.log("Example #7.2, update container adding a 'p' tag")

    // add the P tag when our button is clicked
    var myButton = document.getElementById("buttonID")
    myButton.onclick = addPTagOnButton

On click DOM, HTML element in our code

function moveTarget() {
    const keys = Object.keys(dictCoordinates);
    if (currentIndex >= 0 && currentIndex < keys.length) {
        const key = keys[currentIndex];
        const value = dictCoordinates[key];
        const location_name = value.location_name;
        const coordinatesParsed = location_name.split(",");
        const x = parseInt(coordinatesParsed[0], 10);
        const y = parseInt(coordinatesParsed[1], 10);
        const imageSrc = `data:image/jpg;base64, ${value.image}`;

        const maxX = gameContainer.clientWidth - target.clientWidth;
        const maxY = gameContainer.clientHeight - target.clientHeight; = Math.min(x, maxX) + "px"; = Math.min(y, maxY) + "px"; 

        // Get the image container by ID
        const imageContainer = document.getElementById("image-container");

        // Create a new image element
        const image = document.createElement("img");
        image.src = imageSrc;

        // Clear the existing content of the image container
        imageContainer.innerHTML = '';

        // Append the new image to the image container
    } else {
        // If there are no more locations, stop moving the target = 'none';

gameContainer.addEventListener("click", () => {
    if (!dotClicked) {
        currentIndex++; // Move to the next location when there's no click
    dotClicked = false;

target.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
    const earnedPoints = 1; // You always get 1 point for clicking on the dot
    score += earnedPoints;
    scoreDisplay.textContent = `Score: ${score}`;
    alert(`You got ${earnedPoints} point!`); // Display a pop-up message
    currentIndex++; // Move to the next location when the dot is clicked
    dotClicked = true; // Set the flag to true

#image-container img {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    padding: 20px;
    max-width: 30%;

<div id="image-container" class="w3-container" style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"></div>

const imageSrc = `data:image/jpg;base64, ${value.image}`;

// Get the image container by ID
const imageContainer = document.getElementById("image-container");

// Create a new image element
const image = document.createElement("img");
image.src = imageSrc;

AWS deployment fixes

  • Learning how to fix the AWS instance especially when the server is down through the SSH instance


  • Collaboration: For presenting i need to improve on implementing on how to go from easier to harder in order to ease in the way that I present. I also think slowing down and preparing exactly what I’m going to say is really important for what I’m going to do this trimester. This can be evident throughout the team teach and thinking about how I can present and talking with Mr Mortensen was really helpful for how I could learn about different items.
  • Growth: Overall, I think i improved a lot this trimester especially for how I want to present to people. I learned how to extend ideas much better then I came in originally in this class, and learned the integral part of presenting.
  • Review: The usefulness of talking and reflecting after events especially witih Mr Mortensen
  • Project: I think that collaboration on the backend was extremely well. The cohesiosn and the adhesion within the backend and the frontend integration which was really hard and lacking, I needed to incorporate and consider other people’s thoughts and teaching others. I’m really disappointed in how I collaborated this trimester, and honestly I was not a good collaborator and team member. I should’ve taken the time to explain to my other teammates in the frontend to talk about how I did.
  • Perspective: In general, I think that I could improve on the vision of our project. A “passion” project should be something I extend on other then just night at the museum. In a real world, I should make the project extensible and make it more playable then just one time.